Wednesday, August 09, 2006


there are certain things that you just dont do. for example, it is impolite to bowl at the same time as someone in the lane next to you. talking in the men's room is a 'no no'. asking girls why they go to the women's room in packs (honestly, why?). ok, maybe that one is ok. but you should never stare at the physically handicapped, make fun of the mentally retarded, or (lets just throw this one in for fun) flake out of a road trip you have been planning for months with other people because you decided to date your uncle (in-law), or how about dropping out of a two man volley ball tournament just three days before it starts thereby screwing over your partner because you are going on a last minute camp out with your niece who baled on a road trip she had been planning for months with other people because she decided to date her uncle (in-law).

im not bitter.

1 comment:

Nama said...


huh. good luck with alllll that.