Wednesday, October 11, 2006


age is relative. i know this. but when talking about old versus young there are certain things that help with those pesky grey areas. for instance, i recently moved from a student housing apartment complex to a house. how this makes me old is that i had lived in that complex longer than anyone else currently living there. in fact it will be a few more months before the runner up catches up to my record.

i recently hit the quarter century mark. not too impressive in the grand scheme of things i suppose. however, not a week after my birthday i discovered a grey hair on my face. this wasnt a hair that had fallen from my head or anything like that. this sucker was 1 inch long and still growing. (i have a beard, by the way. so dont think that i would not notice a hair like that growing out of my face if i were otherwise clean shaven.) since then i have found many other white hairs coming out my face (insert bill cosby voice here).

sigh, girls i dated in high school now have up to three kids. some of them were younger than me.

and the clincher, this saturday my little sister will be married. she is over three years younger than me and she beat me to the punch (no real surprise there, but i have to act like it to protect my pride).

congratulations, melissa. what's his name again?


Anonymous said...

i'm a quarter of a century too.
and i'm single.
and i'm a girl.

i like it though.

playasinmar said...

I really didn't think the quarter-century thing would affect me but it has messed with my mind. I'm too clean-shaven, however, to know if it has messed with my face.