Wednesday, May 02, 2007


lately i have been watching more tv than usual. there are a few reasons for this. namely, "acceptable tv" and "extras."

first (because the alphabet says so), "acceptable tv." this is a new show on vh1 which is a cross between SNL and american idol. the producers create 5 short films (about 2-4 minutes) and viewers pick the ones they like best. the top two will get sequels the next week along with 3 new shows. most of the sketches are really funny. this is one of my favorites:

ok, that one was kinda creepy. but it is strangely entertaining. perhaps you will like a little 007 action.

glad to see im not the only one consumed by a mad dream. also, i think more things should come epuipped with a self-destruct device.

the next show, "extras," is a british comedy on HBO. everyone is familiar with "the office," right? good. well, england did it first on BBC. the star of the BBC version is also the star on extras. his character, andy, is an old washed up actor who gets signed for a really crappy british sitcom and he has a daily struggle with his conscience about whether he should quit with his integrity or continue getting paid doing something he hates. but dont worry, its really funny. one of the best parts about the show is that HBO manages to get big name guest stars for each episode. but since it is a show about showbiz, all of the actors and musicians play themselves. so far david bowie wrote a song about andy being fat and a bad actor, sir ian mckellon produced a gay play and andy was the star, orlando bloom tries desperately to convice a middle-age divorcee that he is attractive, and other appearances have been made by patrick stuart and good old harry potter. so, here is orlando defending his title as "god's gift to women" (note: he does say the F word once... sorry, its HBO).

i like that one, but it doesnt have the star of the show. so, here is david bowie making fun of andy:

maybe i should write a sitcom...

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